"Just as a woman's heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth."
- Virginia Di Orio
Hi, I'm Jane.
Your neighbourhood full spectrum pregnancy, birth & postpartum doula, cook, and at-any-stage mother care support.
Becoming a Mother is probably the biggest transformational journey you'll ever go through in your life. Matrescence. Your journey from Maiden to Mother. It's wild, messy, exciting, and scary. Once you give birth, your brain literally changes and there are parts of you that will never be as they were before.
And how you birth and are nurtured in your postpartum directly affects that journey.
I want you to think about that for a moment. You and your baby's birth experience will forever imprint on your lives. How you rest, bond, and are nourished in your early postpartum period will have a direct impact on your body for decades to come. I'd say both of those things are pinnacle to your unique and transformational Matrescence journey.
Birth is true magic. It works in powerful ways that mould and shape us as human beings, to become the best mother for our baby. Birth rips us open in all and every way we can imagine. And because this is how we are designed to flourish and multiply, Birth also weaves us back together. With oh, such tenderness and love and care and understanding for who we have now become.
When we utterly surrender to the wisdom of our bodies and birth in our power and instinctive knowledge, we open ourselves up to receive the immense benefits that the physiology of birth has designed to bestow upon us. The incredible concoction of hormones flowing through us to provide exactly what we need at each point in the journey. Safety in the birth process. Bonding with our baby. More ease with breastfeeding. Coming out the other side of the birth portal with an overwhelming sense of empowerment and confidence.
When that surrender continues beyond the birth and we truly listen to our bodies with the rest and nutrition it requires in early postpartum, the rewards are tenfold. Stabilisation of hormones. Less chance of prolapse. Less bleeding. Deeper bonding with your baby. Nutritional needs required with breastfeeding are met. More quality time to truly establish breastfeeding. Your body can truly heal from the mammoth 9 or 10 month journey it has been on.
Still to this day, the incredible wisdom of our bodies and souls amazes me, and if each and every mother were to experience an empowering birth and postpartum experience, I can only wonder at how the world would look right now.
A quick look into my soul.
I love women. I love mothers. And I'm forever in awe of the power that lies inside us. Witnessing that power unfold in someone and burst through its seams is one of the most incredible moments to sit and watch.
Just because being pregnant, birthing, and raising children is extremely common, doesn't mean your experience and care should ever be lacking.
While the society we live in might not truly prioritise care for women and value the woman's role within it, I do.
I believe you are the expert of your body and your baby, and I will always support your instincts and decisions regarding your journey.
I will see you. I will witness you. I will support you. And I will hold you with reverence.
If this is something you crave for deep in your soul, then I'd love to chat.
Much love,